国际论坛 我要投稿
来源:针灸整脊 2019-04-08 [其它] [国际论坛]

詹姆斯∙雷斯顿(James Reston),《纽约时报》的记者,在40年前创造了针灸的历史。1971年7月,雷斯顿先生在与亨利·基辛格先后访问中国期间患上阑尾炎,并急诊进行阑尾切除术。在北京他的阑尾通过常规手术切除后,手术后疼痛等并发症,被针灸奇迹般地缓解了。雷斯顿先生回到美国以后,撰写文章把他在针灸方面的精彩体验,发表《纽约时报》上,引起了轰动。美国人从此开始真正了解针灸,相信针灸的美国人也越来越多。目前接受针灸过的美国人甚至占到百分之七,这个数字应该超过了中国针灸的普及率。





The New York Times helps make acupuncturehistory

Acupuncturehas been practiced empirically for several millennia and served as the majormedical resources in China and other Asian countries. However, it is onlyduring the last four decades that acupuncture is being generally accepted by practitionersand patients in the United States.

JamesReston, a journalist from the New York Times, made acupuncture history 40 yearsago. Mr. Reston suffered appendicitis requiring an emergency appendectomy whilevisiting China with Henry Kissinger in July 1971. After his appendix wasremoved through conventional surgery in Beijing, his post-operative pain wasmiraculously relieved with acupuncture.  In1972, the article about his wonderful experience with acupuncture was publishedon the New York Times.

Forthe first time in history, James Reston introduced acupuncture and traditionalChinese medicine to millions of modern Americans. The history of acupuncture inthe US begins there!


